Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Thriller Research: Genre & Popularity

The genre of thriller has changed a lot through the generations and divided into sub-genres. A thrillers main elements are suspense, tension and excitement, they aim to leave the viewer sitting on the edge of their seat.
The sub-genres include: Crime thriller, medical thriller, psychological thriller, mystery thriller, religious thriller or supernatural thriller. There are more but these are a few of the main sub-genres. Thrillers are very similar to horrors, the main difference is that horror is to scare whereas a thrillers aim is to build tension and suspense. Thrillers are usually to mess with your thoughts and confuse whereas horrors are just to scare.
Thrillers usually involve a villain and then a hero trying to save the day and solve any mysteries that are left standing.

Thrillers have recently become popular as people are being to enjoy the suspense and mystery when going to see a film, instead of being scared; thrillers give them the adrenaline rush.

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