Monday, 28 February 2011

Bloodshot - Filming

On the day of filming, we went to James' house as it was the main place for the scenes and was close to Toton sidings where we needed to film. We spent around two hours running through our storyboards and plans for filming so that all of us were clear on what we were filming and where. This way all of our scenes could be filmed efficiently and we wouldn't lose the light outside and we wouldn't waste time on filming when it's not needed.

It took us around an hour to then film everything outside on Toton sidings before it got to dark to film. We made sure we did the same shots a few times incase some were better than others this way when it came to editing we had footage to choose from instead of only one shot.

After filming the outdoor scenes, we moved back to James' house to film all the scenes inside his house, this wasn't as vital as it's not like we needed the daylight. We did change a few of the settings from the storyboard because we decided they looked better and were more effective for the shot itself.

We had finished filming by around 4 and had checked through our footage to check we had it all filmed and sorted ready for editing in one day.

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