We storyboarded all our ideas scene by scene so that it was made into a plot and storyline, this was to make it easier when we came to filming because we would know what to film when. Timings, props, character, dialogue and setting was added into our storyboard so that we knew cleary what we needed to do when we got to filming all of the scenes.
When we came to putting in the timings to each scene, we struggled with our limits as we were only allowed 30 seconds overall. After counting up all of the timings at the end we came to around 1.21 seconds and realised we needed to cut quite a lot of the storyline out. We decided to leave it and change some of the footage when we came to filming.
We also took plenty of time deciding on then camera angles and shots that would be used to make it effective when we came to filming. This way it would make sam look evil and Kit look vulnerable and intimidated.

When filming we used all the scenes that we had storyboarded originally so that when it came to editing we could edit out whatever we wanted and didn't have to use it all.
We used as many different camera angles as we could for effect and so that there was plenty of variation between pthe two different characters.
We hadn't given ourselves much time so we didn't really have the best location for our filming and it wasn't particularly effective. If we had, had more time we would have done it out of school and made the location look scarier and better for the scnes itself.
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